Commander's Corner
As we begin the Legion Year, I hope that everybody enjoyed the summer up to this point.
I have listed all the meetings and other events for the coming year (in the calendar section). The meetings take place on the second Friday of the month at 8:00 PM at St. Mary Episcopal Church Hall located between Roslyn Rd. and Glen Cove Avenue. Please take the tim as you read this Newsletter to mark the dates on your calendar, it's too much to remember. I look forward to seeing some new faces at the meetings. If you haven't attended a meeting lately, take the time on a Friday Night to get together with your fellow Legionnaires. There is always food after the meetings and something to drink.
Important Information for those members who registered with the Northport VA Hospital and had their photos taken for their ID cards on March 3, 2009.
There was a problem with the photos which I recently was told about after I made several inquiries about the ID cards. The computer that had the photos on it was replaced with a new one, and the photos were destroyed. I know everybody who was there received a letter from the VA informing them that they were enrolled. Staff from the VA hospital will be at the meeting on September 11 to take your photo. Please be there by 7:30 PM. If anyone who didn't register at the March 3rd meeting wishes to register, you can do so at this time.
Membership dues starting coming in large numbers soon after the dues notices were received, then they started coming one or two at a time. Currently, 63 members have paid. There are 37 still outstanding. As s indicated on the dues notice, dues should be paid by August 1. Don't leave your dues notice laying on your desk, table, etc., sit down and write out the check and put it in the mail, or bring it with you to the next meeting in September. Don't wait for a second notice, which is an additional cost for the American Legion. Once all dues are paid, membership officer, Harold Prummell, and Treasurer, Max Waage, will be very happy. So, lets make them happy.
Since the last Newsletter, two of out members have gone to their eternal rest. Gene Grossane passed away on May 6th. I just found out the first week of August that William Bostlemann passed away on July 9th. Members did attend wake for Gene Grossane. Since we had no knowledge that William Bostlemann had passed away, we did not attend his wake. Post 1718 made their usual donation for both members to the James N. MacLean Memorial Library Collection at Hofstra University.
Nicholas Macario, who represented Post 1718 at Boys State at SUNY Morissville during the last week in June, will be at the October meeting to give a presentation on his experiences while at Boys State. We will present him with a plaque for his participation in the program, and for representing Post 1718 in an honorable manner.
During the installation of officers at the June 12th meeting. Joe Bonura was presented with a plaque honoring him as Legionnaire of the year. John Wasiewski was honored with Honorary Life Membership in the American Legion. They have both been very dedicated to the American Legion and, in particular, to Post 1718. Congratulations to both of them. They truly deserved the recognition.
I don't know of any member who is not feeling well at this time. If anyone knows if a member is not feeling well, please call me to let me know. My number is (516) 334-6603.
Al Piscitelli
President's Corner
Our fall meeting will be jeld on Thursday, September 3rd, at 1:30 PM. Come join us for smoe delicious ice cream sodas. During this meeiting we will be discussing upcoming meetings, future Fund Raisers, and how we can continue to help those who are less fortunate. Hope to see you at the next meeting.
I hope you had a blessed summer.
Linda Zakian
Welcome back Carle Place Auxiliary members. I want to wish all those members who will be celebrating a birthday during the months of September, October, November, and December, a very Happy Birthday, and hood health as you begin a new year. As we begin Legion year 2009-2010, hopefully we will see some new faces at our weekly meetings. Join us for some pleasant conversation, discussing what the Auxiliary plans to do in the upcoming year for those less fortunate, and what planshave for our future meetings. The more input received from the members, the easier it is to make decisions.
If anyone knows a member who is not feeling well, ase call me at 333-0306. I will send a get-well card as soon as I am informed.
Dorothy Barnych
Membership dues notices will be received very soon. As a matter of fact, you might have them in your possession already. Please take the time as soon as you receive the dues notice to write your check and put it in the mail. I would appreciate it very much. The soonerall the dues are paid, the sooner I can be finished with all the paperwork involved in the record keeping.
I want to welcome two new members, Rose J. Ryan and Helen Grotyohann. Hopefully, we will introduce them to the members at our September meeting.
Ann Mandaro
Membership Officer